Week Four: The Future
Your thoughts are energy which are constantly creating your future. The moment you are experiencing right now has come from a creation thought.
Accepting you create your own future leads to empowered choices that lead to a life lived purposefully – Soul Led.
The tasks for this final week of the programme will work along side the daily deep breathing practice, daily gratitudes, any reflective journalling you are continuing with and healing practices.
Here are your tasks:
Creation Energy
We often limit ourselves to our beliefs and thoughts. When you are working on creating your future, understanding and connecting to the universal “connected” source will guide you to feel in complete flow of your creations. Watch the video and read the guide to help as you work on visualising your future.
Update Your Story
The story you tell yourself, friends, family and through your business is constantly changing as your energy is. Who you were yesterday has evolved. You’re invited to revisit your story and what you will say as your future self. Take a step into your future self shoes and come away with a story of strength.
A Weekly Map
A practical go to tool to help you with:
- Managing the excuses why you can’t do something new
- Visually scheduling your week to be part of your future
- To help you as you stay accountable to the new changes you want for your future
The weekly map is a download to print to help you map out your week. Over any period where you want to implement change in your routine you can use the weekly map to visually add in new activities. You can also remove activities that you become aware are no longer important to you, or you might reduce the time of some to increase the time in others.
Without tech overwhelm the weekly map is a back to basics too to work with you.
Click Downloads to access the resources for this week.