Week Three: Healing
Healing offers an exchange of energy, were you acknowledge what serves you and what doesn’t serve you.
Here are your tasks:
Continue with your deep breathing, daily gratitudes and your reflective journal practice while you add in these new techniques to help with healing.
Energy Clean Your Home
To support your healing, doing an energy clean of your home, your workspace, to your car is always very useful to help release old energy. There is a download to help you work through how to to do this.
Energy Disconnection
When you have identified through your journal practice areas, emotions, physical/ material things to limiting beliefs which you want to heal the connection to you can use this exercise. There is a download to show you how to do this healing process. You might need to repeat is over a few days, weeks or months, depending on the depth of unconscious healing that needs to take place. Remember through forgiveness and love your vibration rises as we are all connected. As you heal yourself, you heal others connected to you and what you are healing.
Guided Healing
A guide to Healing Pain through loss has been included to help you learn more about the process of healing.
And experience a guided 15 minute Heart Centre relaxation whilst allowing yourself to heal.